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赤羽拓真 (あかば たくま)  パーカッション、和太鼓、音楽教育

武蔵野音楽大学卒業。American Wind Symphony Orchestra のアメリカツアー2012にパーカッション、和太鼓 (ソリスト)で参加。2015年4月から1年間、ニューヨークに在住。日本テレビ「ヒルナンデス!」、NHK-BSプレミアム「ワンワンパッコロ!



交響楽団などの各氏と共演。「しぜん キンダーブック がっき 2023年11月(株式会社フレーベル館)「キッズパーカッションセットN」

(株式会社Gakken) を監修。著書に「コミュ力を育むリズムあそびと合奏」(株式会社全音楽譜出版社) がある。

アスクミュージック提携アーティスト。AKANE MUSIC合同会社代表。

Takuma Akaba  Percussion, Taiko (Japanese Drums), Music Education

Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1989. He has loved playing the drums ever since he was a child. He eventually started playing Japanese drums known as taiko at the age of 9 and percussion at the age of 12. He graduated from Musashino College of Music in 2012 and participated in the American Wind Symphony Orchestra's 2012 American tour as a percussionist and a solo Japanese drummer. He has so far travelled to various parts of Japan, Thailand, the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Qatar for his performance activities. In April of 2015, he lived in New York for a year and performed his music for everyone to hear. After returning to Japan, he appeared on TV programs and published a book on early childhood music education entitled ‘Rhythm Play and Ensemble for Developing Communication Skills’ (Zen Ongakufu Publishing Co., Ltd.). He also works as an early childhood music education advisor.

He tries to make everyone feel happy and have fun with his percussion and Taiko performances.


​撮影 : 森田直樹 (Studio Jugaad)

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